It’s World Storytelling Day! Storytelling is a buzzword around the world today. The universe is made of atoms, and every atom has its own story. Storytelling allows us to connect with the elements of the universe and with souls.
The National Educational Policy emphasizes the importance of storytelling as a pedagogy (a teaching tool). Business owners and entrepreneurs are buzzing about effective storytelling. Leaders and speakers are keen to develop their storytelling skills.
Why is storytelling important? Will learning the art of storytelling improve our lives? If you have these questions in mind, read on.
Storytelling is an incredible, or I would say the most sophisticated, wireless transfer tool that can couple the neurons of the teller and the listeners and let the thoughts, perceptions, values transfer directly.
Storytelling inspires, heals, and instills hope and courage. If you wonder if this is possible? Yes, of course, it happens. It all depends on the skills of the storytellers to get the grip of the audience, connect them with emotions, and unlock their creativity.
Once the neural coupling is established the listeners paint the story in their mind with the vivid narration of the teller. Listeners will also try to figure out similarities or metaphorical references with their life experiences and thoughts. Stories have the power to help the listener to solve an issue or heal them or maybe inspire them for a lifetime. The values or the lesson from the stories are directly assimilated into our neurons allowing them to directly use them during decision making in their life.
Which story has such power? Which story can make a difference? It’s unpredictable. We never know which story will change our perception, change our paradigm, or pivot our journey in life. Sometimes, an anecdote told by a flower seller or a watchman, or someone whom we rarely meet, gets the power to seep into our hearts and remains with us forever, healing us from within. Or when we hear the stories of the achievers who face all hardships and achieve great feats with perseverance and resilience will inspire us.
Who can be a storyteller? Anyone and everyone can be a storyteller, but I would say that if a storyteller could leave a profound impact on the listeners with their craft and narration, the storyteller stays in the heart of the listener. My dear friends, aren’t we striving every moment to create stories that we wish to celebrate? So, what are you waiting for? Listen to storytelling, keep telling stories.