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Is Parenting Stressing You Out?

Is Parenting Stressing You Out?

Is Parenting Stressing You Out? Embrace Your Child’s Uniqueness and Let Go of the Pressure

by Sridevi Srinivasan

As an educator, I talk to many parents. Over the years, I have noticed something common among parents whose children are a little different. Have you ever felt overwhelmed because your child seems different from others?

We all want our children to be unique. In fact, many parents take pride in saying, “My child is special.” But the biggest question is—are we truly embracing our child’s uniqueness, or are we unknowingly expecting them to fit into a mold?

The Silent Pressure of Parenting

Though we know that every child is different, we still expect them to behave in a certain way. We want them to be “normal” in certain situations—when they play with friends, interact with relatives, or spend time with other children. But what happens when our child does not fit in?

We start worrying.

Thoughts keep running through our minds:

  • Why is my child behaving differently?
  • Does my child have a problem?
  • What will happen when they grow up?
  • Will society accept them?
  • How will they manage in the future?

The more we think, the more pressure we feel. These thoughts add to the volcano burning inside us. This volcano does not remain silent forever—it keeps growing, and one day, it explodes. And when it does, it might hurt the child.

My Own Experience with Parenting Pressure

I personally had similar feelings when my elder son wasn’t getting along with his peer group. I pushed myself too hard, thinking I wasn’t a good parent. I felt miserable.

As he grew, I realized that I had unknowingly put pressure on his tender mind. He thrived every time he tried to meet my expectations, but deep down, I could see the stress it caused him. I never wanted to change who he was, yet I found myself on that path without even realizing it.

That’s when I stopped and asked myself:
“Do I truly love my child just the way he is?”
The answer was a resounding yes.

If you’ve ever felt this way, I encourage you to ask yourself the same question.

Stop Comparing Your Child

Every child is unique. Each one has their own way of thinking, learning, and expressing emotions. Some children are loud and expressive, while others are quiet and thoughtful. Some love to play in groups, while others prefer their own space. Some may learn quickly, while others take their time.

But as parents, we unknowingly compare them.

We see other children making friends easily, excelling in academics, or behaving a certain way, and we wonder:
“Why is my child not like them?”

But should our children be like someone else? Or should they just be themselves?

Think about this—if your child sees you comparing them to others, how do you think they will feel?

They may start believing they are not good enough. They may try to change themselves just to make you happy. They may pretend to be someone they are not. And in doing so, they may lose sight of who they really are.

This can be painful. It can leave a lasting impact on their self-esteem.

Let Your Child Be Themselves

Dear parents, your child is special. Every child is special.

Your child is different, just like everyone else. Because in reality, there is no “normal.” Every person in this world is unique.

So what should you do?

  • Observe your child without judgment.
  • Understand what makes them happy.
  • Notice their strengths and encourage them.
  • Support them only when they truly need help.
  • Stop trying to change them.


When you stop forcing them to fit into a certain mold, you will see how beautifully they grow.

Take the Pressure Off Yourself

Parenting can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to be “perfect” parents. We feel responsible for every little thing our child does. If our child struggles in school, we blame ourselves. If they don’t behave as expected, we feel guilty. If they are not accepted by others, we feel like failures.

But the truth is—it is not your fault.

Children will have their struggles, just like we did when we were young. They will have good days and bad days. They will make mistakes, and they will learn from them.

Your job is not to make everything perfect for them. Your job is to guide them, support them, and love them just as they are.

Parenting is a Beautiful Journey

Parenting is not about pressure. It is not about making your child fit into society’s expectations.

Parenting is about embracing your child for who they are. It is about enjoying the little moments, laughing together, learning together, and growing together.

So the next time you feel pressure building up inside you, take a deep breath and remind yourself:

  • My child is unique.
  • My child is special.
  • I love my child just the way they are.

Let go of the pressure, and you will see how beautiful this journey truly is.

What is one thing you love most about your child? Share in the comments and celebrate their uniqueness!


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